A quizbot that extracts topic of interest from the user and quizzes them on it.
A quizbot that extracts topic of interest from the user and quizzes them on it.
- Gets data from user responses in natural language, to find a specific topic of interest
- Engages the user in an interactive quiz
- Scores +1 for correct answer and -0.25 for wrong answer
- Ability to change the topic of interest for the quiz
- Detects ambiguous responses
The user starts interacting with Quizzy.
- Quizzy tries to find the area of interest, on which user wants to take the quiz.
- Once the quiz topic is decided, user is quizzed on it, this is phase 2.
- User takes the quiz and is shown questions fetched from the question bank.
- User answers the questions in natural language, from which the answer is extracted and is checked against the correct option in the question bank.
- Once the quiz is complete and the user is satisfied, the user will be redirected to the initial phase i.e, phase 1.
- Displays the quiz topics available. Only applicable when selecting a quiz topic -
- Stops the quiz and displays the final score -
- Change quiz topic. Applicable when a quiz topic is already active