Dijkstra as a Comic Join D on an enchanting journey through a whimsical and mystical forest as he embarks on a quest to reach the renowned Groningen coffee shop. Road Network Partitioning for Recommender Systems This project aimed at improving the scalability as well as the accuracy of the recommender systems using the aspect of locality of the user in Location Based Services - by dividing the road network into smaller partitions and processing relevant partitions for a given point of interest. PDFConverse Chat with your PDF! Quizzy A quizbot that extracts topic of interest from the user and quizzes them on it. Student Faculty Interaction A web platform for students and faculty to assess topic understanding in real-time, enhancing teaching effectiveness through aggregate ratings and secure access to course materials while promoting better interaction. Space shooter A 2D space shooting game developed using Unity. Deployed using WEBGL. Controls: Move - WASD / Arrow keys Shoot - Left click / left CTRL Restart - R (when game over)